Sitka Wildlife Unfiltered.


Whale watching is the highlight of any Sitka Wildlife tour. Humpback, Gray whales and Orcas all live in in waters surrounding Sitka and Baranof Island. During your tour, Captain Ben will take you to the locations where these magnificent creatures are most commonly spotted. Photo: Sammy Wong


Brown bears frequently hunt and relax on the beaches near Sitka. We’ll take you close enough to see these fascinating animals without disturbing them. Photo: Brent Jones

Sea Lions and Seals

Where there’s good fish, you’re likely to find both sea lions and seals looking for a meal. When they’re not on the hunt, these curious mammals are likely to be lounging on a rock or a buoy checking everything out. Photo: Danika Perkinson

Puffins Sitka AK


Sitka is home to a healthy population of Puffins. These adorable cuties can be seen flying, diving, and nesting all around the greater Sitka area. In the summer, their plumage changes from an overall dark color to golden plumes behind the eyes as well as a bright white facemask. Their bills also become a bright orange! Puffins dine on a variety of sea creatures including fish, octopus, squid, jellyfish, and crabs. Female puffins lay one egg and incubate it for around 40 days. They dig burrows in the ground as opposed to nesting in trees. Hop on board and we’re sure to see some of these amazing birds! Photo: Bryan Walker