Humpback Whales

Photo by Todd Cravens

Humpback Whale Fin - Sitka AK

Photo by Rod Long

These gentle whales abound in the waters around Sitka. Humpbacks are a species of baleen whale that reach lengths up to 52 feet and they can weigh as much as 40 metric tons (55,000-66,00 lbs) That’s a real giant!

Did you know that humpback whale fins can reach lengths of up to 16 feet? This makes them the largest appendage in the animal kingdom! Humpback whales are not only some of the biggest animals on earth, they’re also one of the longest-lived with some humpbacks living to be 100+ years old.

Generally during summer months, humpbacks migrate to high latitude, food rich, feeding grounds such as Alaska and the Gulf of Maine. In winter, they migrate south to the warmer waters of Hawaii, South America and even Africa! These yearly migrations are among the longest in the world, averaging about 3,000 miles each year.

Interestingly, Female humpbacks are larger than male humpbacks. Females have calves every two to three years, and these babies will stay with mom for about a year. Giant whales, even baby giants, need a lot of food. Baby humpback whales drink about 158 gallons of milk a day! When born, a baby humpback whale is between 10 and 15 feet long and weighs as much as a ton.

Experience the magnificent humpback whale yourself and book your Sitka Whale Watching Tour today with Ben’s Sitka Boat Tours.